Amsterdam becomes a sharing city | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Policy case
Amsterdam becomes a sharing city

The project Amsterdam Sharing City was launched to take advantage of the benefits that sharing offers in the areas of sustainability, social cohesion and economy. The project was initiated in response to several observations, such as a willingness to share in the city of Amsterdam (84% of Amsterdam residents showed motivation to share) and an established digital infrastructure, with more than 90% of residents having internet access. In collaboration with the Amsterdam Economic Board, a position paper was put together and a diverse network of ambassadors from a variety of sectors was established. With the City of Amsterdam on board, Amsterdam Sharing City was launched in February 2015. There have been several sharing economy projects launched including: Sandd (provides logistics to sharing economy startups), Peerby Go (a pilot with renting instead from neighbors instead of purchasing new) and Airbnb & Library (introductory workshop for senior citizens).

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