Furniture reuse as a service | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Business case
Furniture reuse as a service

Go good is a company that offers a furniture service for business called Good work. Good Work is a comprehensive service that helps you handle the interior design of the office from A to Z. Good work tailor interior solutions to the company's needs, choose sustainable furniture and install them with a reuse system that makes it easy to take care of, reuse and replace furniture when the needs of the workplace change.

Go good have established collaboration with several office designers and pride themselves with mixing new established design with second hand pieces. They are therefore able to offer furniture reuse as a service.

Good work is the first service Go good is offering. They are planning on expanding their service to private homes soon.


In Norway alone, the office furniture market is worth over 4 billion a year, and 140,000 tonnes of furniture worth 400-500 million NOK are we throw away every year. This trend is wasting valuable resources and creating a waste problem.


Go goods solution consists of a digital platform that puts together individual products into comprehensive solutions and delivers them with reuse included. This means that go good take responsibility for the products they deliver throughout the life cycle - and that their customers no longer have to handle reuse, maintenance, repair and disposal on their own. Gogood have a comprehensive service solution. They offer an inventory and reuse system that makes it easy to get an overview and control of office furniture in large organizations. With the help of advanced technology, detailed product information and digital tools, you get a detailed product overview, so you can utilize your furniture park more efficiently. The system makes it easy to maintain, reuse and replace office furniture and allows you to retrieve detailed environmental accounts for the company's sustainability reporting.


Clients get a fully furnished office, with the flexibility of changing solution. Additionally the app provides the tool you need to reduce the negative climate and environmental effects of the decor in the office. The unique methodology for reuse scoring, life cycle analyzes, environmental accounting and sustainability reporting has been developed in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research and places maintenance, life-prolonging measures and reuse in the context of financial savings.

Go Good help you take care of your office furniture so that it has the longest possible life. To avoid damage, they carry out preventive maintenance of the office furniture, while maintaining hygiene requirements through regular cleaning of the furniture. With a service agreement that includes maintenance services such as tightening, replacement of upholstery and other wear parts, and furniture cleaning, we make it easy to optimize the quality and longevity of the decor in the office.

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