FABSCRAP provides convenient pickup and recycling services of textiles in New York City | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation

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Business case
FABSCRAP provides convenient pickup and recycling services of textiles in New York City

FABSCRAP is a New York City based service provider for the collection, sorting and redistribution of textile waste from several designers and brands. FABSCRAP sorts and prepares leftover material and scraps for either recycling or further utilisation. These fabrics will then be made available for purchase in their online shop.


New York City produces an immense amount of waste which need to get recycled properly. For designers and brands, who have create textile waste through their production processes, there is a lack of infrastructure to enable the recycling of this waste. Material that could could be reused ends up in the trash and ultimately in landfills.


FABSCRAP offers a pick-up service from designers and brands in New York City, saving leftover materials and scraps from going to landfill. Volunteers sort the material, which is then either used for recycling (e.g. to create insulation, carpet padding, blankets or furniture lining) or gets sold via their online shop or directly in their warehouse. Whenever possible, FABSCRAP utilizes fiber-to-fiber technologies for recycling. For this purpose, currently only 100% cotton / 100% polyester and 100% wool can be recycled. For fabrics with Lycra, Spandex or elastane, recycling is currently not possible - unfortunately.

A pick-up service fee is charged in order to cover operational costs and to allow the give-away of material to students, artists, local designers and crafters for free.


By saving materials from going to landfill, less environmental damage can happen. At the same time, the designer or brand, which is required to recycle its waste, has a safe partner that takes care of its textile waste. The leftover material regains its value, and the local community's artists and crafters profit from the cheaply or freely offered material.

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Photo source: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56aff2e3d51cd44dd1c364ee/1618348952456-EIVEKGL2Z1CUXOBGQNKX/FABSCRAP_WEBSITE_ILLUSTRATION_V3.jpg?format=2500w

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