The Most Functional City in the World: Helsinki City Strategy 2017–2021 | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Policy case
The Most Functional City in the World: Helsinki City Strategy 2017–2021

The strategy has 3 main themes: (1) The most functional city in the world; (2) securing sustainable growth as the most essential task of the city; (3) Developing services; (4) Responsible Management of Finances as the Foundation of a Prosperous City and (5) Helsinki Strengthening and Diversifying its Promotion of Interests.

As part of developing services, emission reductions and circular economy projects will be carried out in Helsinki in tandem with the business community and residents. Helsinki wants to increasingly actively serve as a platform for interesting and successful innovations that generate new potential exports.

Accompanying the strategy there are a few projects: Real Estate Strategy, Central Pedestrian Zone and Underground Distributor Street Project, Land Policy Guideline Project, Helsinki Maritime Strategy Project, Project for Youth Social Inclusion, Health and Welfare Promotion Project, and Exercise and Mobility Scheme Project.

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