Adoption of Puccini Method for Sustainability standards and Sustainable Procurement in Amsterdam | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Policy case
Adoption of Puccini Method for Sustainability standards and Sustainable Procurement in Amsterdam

The municipality of Amsterdam introduced the Puccini Method as a framework for the design of public spaces in Amsterdam.

The city designs all its streets, squares and public gardens with it. The method has adopted a set of sustainability standards. Following the Puccini Method, any procurement should adopt at least the Piano sustainability criteria.

The Puccini method stands for a high-quality, physical layout of the public space. A design that is user-friendly, accessible, safe, manageable, sustainable, affordable, coherent and beautiful.

This standard for the Amsterdam street scene consists of a policy framework and 2 technical manuals.

The Puccini Method Policy Framework is based on 5 beliefs:

- the user benefits from simplicity and obviousness

- craft at every scale level

- durability

- best practices and innovation

- collaboration

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