The REFLOW Framework | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Article / Report
The REFLOW Framework

This case study introduces the REFLOW Framework as a supportive model to enable agency and participation of municipalities, SMEs, and citizens’ associations in the development of circular economy (CE) practices and governance. After introducing the key terminology informing the REFLOW's understanding of cities' transition towards CE, this deliverable provides the most updated version of the REFLOW Pilot Cities’ Circular Action Plans, including their final list of key performance indicators, and main implementation challenges encountered so far. Based on insights from research and practice, as well as from the experience of the first two years of the REFLOW project, the REFLOW Framework integrates key concepts from systems thinking, management accounting, iterative design, and circular economy research to understand and describe circular transitions in cities. As a supportive model, the REFLOW Framework enables to unpack the inherent complexity characterising cities' transitions towards Circular Economy, and inform management, governance and implementation of Cities' Circular Action Plans. The Framework described in this deliverable will serve as a baseline to support Cities' Ecosystem Design and the development of the REFLOW Legacy in the last year of the project.

Each city developed a circular cities action plan relying on the REFLOW Framework. Focusing on one pilot, Amsterdam organized its activities based on two interconnected scenarios – one in the short-term (Citizen Scenario) and one in the long-term (Industrial Scenario) – all of which collectively aim to spearhead the transition of textile material flows from linear to circular in the Amsterdam region. Together, these two interconnected scenarios feed into a third scenario focusing on policy. The Policy Scenario runs alongside the Amsterdam pilot’s activities, tackling policies and governance issues in relation to Amsterdam’s circular goals.


You can find the full 1.3 Deliverable following the link below.

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